Another special member who be joining the American Flag League, Aarrrrr! Give a big hand to Publius Rendezvous. Welcome aboard, Matey!
Cross posted at Pirate’s Cove
Another special member who be joining the American Flag League, Aarrrrr! Give a big hand to Publius Rendezvous. Welcome aboard, Matey!
Cross posted at Pirate’s Cove
Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. This ain’t quite a White Trash Wednesday, cause I am bringing in another great member of the American Flag League, Vince Aut Morire. Welcome aboard, Matey!
Also, for those familiar with the site, Eric has changed his address. Update your links.
Update: Checking ye old Pirate’s Cove email can be helpful. Give a hand to Hamstermotor. Welcome aboard, Matey!
Cross Posted at Pirate’s Cove.
Hey, hey, throwin’ the deep pass for 7, new rookie wideout for the American Flag League. Welcome Un-Common Sense to the team! Welcome aboard, Matie!
Cross posted at the Pirate’s Cove
Another great member added to the American Flag League. Give a big hand to RightFaith. Welcome aboard, Matie!
Cross posted at Pirate’s Cove.
Couple great new members to the American Flag League. Give a warm welcome to:
Welcome aboard, Maties!
Cross posted at the Pirate’s Cove.
Avast, the American Flag League be havin’ a new member today, Otimaster un blog dal profilo evoluto. Roberto be a friend and ally of the USA from Italy, so give a hearty "WELCOME" to Roberto. Aaaarrrrr!
Couple of great new members to the Flag League:
Welcome aboard, Maties!
Some new folks one the list. Give a Big welcome to
Welcome aboard, Maties!
We have another wonderful member joining the American Flag League. Give a big shout out to Missy from Mass Hypocrisy. She’s a good Southern Conservative swimming in a sea of Massachussets Liberalism. Welcome aboard, Missy!
Hey, hey, another fine member added to the American Flag League. Give a big hand to Righting America. Welcome aboard, Matey!
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