Avast! Welcome Kit of Euphoric Reality to the Flag League. Welcome aboard, matie!
April 7, 2005
April 3, 2005
American Flag Bidness
Welcome aboard the Flag League to The Gentle Words of a Redneck Scribe
April 2, 2005
American Flag Bidness
Wow. I cannot believe that I have forgotten to add Basil to the American Flag League with that Flag staring me in the face all these weeks. My apologies, Basil. Welcome to the Flag League, matie!
March 30, 2005
American Flag Bidness
Have added My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to the Flag League. Welcome aboard, Beth! Also, my apologies, since I thought I had added you a ways back.
March 29, 2005
American Flag Bidness
Welcome Lime Shurbet and Gay Patriot to the American Flag League. Welcome aboard, maties!
March 28, 2005
American Flag Bidness
Give a hearty welcome to Moonbattery. Welcome aboard, matie!
Update: added WILLisms. Welcome aboard, matie!
March 26, 2005
American Flag Bidness
New members be The Assumption of Command and Six Meat Buffet. Welcome aboard, maties!
Update: added Confederate Yankee. Should have gotten you on there by now, mate.
March 24, 2005
American Flag Bidness
Welcome GM’s Corner to the American Flag League. Welcome aboard, matie!
I have also added him to me main blogroll as well. Check him out!
March 23, 2005
American Flag Bidness
Welcome aboard to Resistance is Futile to the American Flag League!
March 18, 2005
American Flag Bidness
Intersting. Ye scurvy dogs welcome United Bloggers of America to the Flag League. Nice to know that someone else had the same idea that I did. Welcome aboard!